Training Two Days per Week?

i cannot get past two miles

Hi, your training programs are awesome.
Yet the only time I have to run, are Sat and Sun morning. I am a total beginner. I go to a trail 4.5 miles, each way, total 9 miles.

I walk mostly and run for a minute or two in between a few times.

Since your plans are great, yet not for me, could you simplify what I need to do for each day within the 9 miles?

I am usually out of breath after my 2 minutes.

I want to increase my running time.

I am at the moment 220 lbs, 6'1" tall.

Answer by Dominique:
Hi Eddie,

i cannot get past two miles

I'm really thrilled to hear that you're finding my training programs useful. Your determination is inspiring, and I'm positive I can help you reach your goal of increasing your running time. So, dust off your running shoes and let's hit that trail together!

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and every journey begins with a single step. You're already on the right track with your current approach of running and walking. It's a fantastic start, Eddie!

Let's cover off on:

1. The power of a little bit of structure and small steps forward
2. The limitations of only exercising in the weekend.
3. Some recommended reading

The Power of A Little Bit of Structure and Small Steps Forward

i cannot get past two miles

Nine miles is a big distance to cover run/walking. It will be good to start putting a little bit of structure in your run/walks, so you can measure some progress.

I don't know what the right starting point is, given I don't know how you currently split your time between runs and walks. But let's say that next time you cover the nine miles you run for 1 minute and walk for 9 minutes. Just alternate ongoingly. Maybe you do that both days, the first weekend.

The next weekend run for 90 seconds and walk for 8.5 minutes. Th next weekend make it 2 minutes walking, 8 minutes running. Etc, etc.

Just build up slowly. Work at it consistently and you'll find yourself being able to do more than the 2 minutes it now takes to get out of breath.

If half a minute increases in the amount spent running is too much, if that feels like climbing a mountain, just take smaller steps up. Add 15 seconds. Or 10 seconds.

It does not matter. Keep at it and bit by bit, you'll find yourself running more than you're walking!

Your progress may feel like the pace of a tortoise rather than a hare, but remember, steady wins the race.

The Limitations of Exercising Only Twice a Week

Two consecutive days of a brilliant amount of exercise, still means five consecutive days of no exercise.

I can't look into your personal life. I would encourage you to try and find some time during the week for another 1 or 2 exercise sessions. These need not be long.

Find 10-30 minutes in which you can do a run/walk, maybe sit on an exercise bike or do some bodyweight exercises. Exercise does not need to last hours. A few short bursts of exercise in the comfort of your home can absolutely help you make progress.

Some recommended reading

i cannot get past two miles

I recommend checking these two pages:

1. Beginner Running Tips - This page is like a treasure trove for runners starting their journey. It provides practical tips that will hold you in good stead.

2. Running for Weight Loss - Since one of your goals is to get healthier and your weight is somewhat high, this page might come in handy. It provides detailed insights into how running can help you shed some pounds.

Eddie, you're showing great initiative and commitment. Hold onto these, keep moving forward, and there'll be no stopping you!

Here's to making every mile count and working towards a healthier you, Eddie!

Best of luck on your running journey,

Kind regards,

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