About Best Running Tips

Serving runners since 2006


I am Dom (Dominique, but that's a tad long for most!).

I am the founder of this site, accredited running coach, Dutchman living in Australia and a quantitative risk manager by trade.

At Best Running Tips, my goal is to make your running a success.

You may be a beginning runner, wondering how to start running, wondering how to lose some weight with running or wondering how to train for your first marathon....

You may be more advanced, trying to work out how to get to a sub-40 10k, a sub-25 5k or a sub-4 marathon.

Wherever you are at in your running journey, whatever your exact goals, whatever it is when it comes to running.... I can help you. Through this website and in person.

I started this website back in 2006. With a lot of effort and hard work it has grown to be the hub of information it is today.

I hope you enjoy the running tips and running information on offer.

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A Bit More About Me

Dom Running

My youth in Holland was dominated by soccer. In my teenage years I used to train 2-3 times per week and would have 1 or 2 games per week, between my club team and a regional team. I was fast and fit back in the day! Later I stopped playing soccer and got out of shape a bit.

Until I discovered the joy of running!

What I love about running is how it relaxes me. It keeps me fit, physically and mentally.

And I love trying to get the best out of myself.

I have run pretty much every distance in my running life. 10k races, half marathons, marathons, etc. I do a timed 5k (parkrun) almost every Saturday. And I have run a number of beautiful trail races as well, including a few ultras (races longer than a marathon).

That photo at the top of the page was taken during an ultra run in Wilson's Promontory, one of the most beautiful National Parks in Australia.

In terms of performance, I am ok.

I am not an elite runner.

When I was a little younger I used to run the 5k in below 20 minutes and the 10k in below 40 minutes. Lately those results have been a bit harder to come by! In 2020 and 2021 I ran 19:50 on the 5k. In 2023 I got to 20:12. I recently ran a marathon in 3:29, with the first and the second half at about the same time. Really nailed that one if I say so myself. Not bad when you are pushing 50. Not earth shattering either. I know there are faster runners out there.

But I love getting the best out of myself.

You might be thinking, why should I listen to a non-elite runner? This guy might not even be faster than I am, what does he know about running? I'll tell you why.

I am not naturally gifted. I am athletic, but I don't have that natural faster speed that really talented runners have. More talented runners can do less training and they still beat me. But often, more talented runners are not the best coaches. Because they have difficulty understanding what it is like to be "normal". I understand "normal". I understand not being naturally gifted and having to work hard to achieve results.

And I take running training seriously. I have read every reputable running training book. I devour podcasts, websites and magazines having to do with running training, strength training, dieting and exercise, coaching etc, etc. I educate myself continuously on running.

And I am a Level 2 Recreational Runner accredited running coach.

I love learning new things about running.

And I implement what I learn in my running training and when I coach others.

A friend has given me the nickname The Running Oracle!

Because when it comes to running training, I can help you make improvements. I am sure of it.

I can look at your training and help you change it up so you get fit and in optimal shape for race day.

I don't rely on natural ability, but on proven running training principles that help you get fit and faster.

Why am I a Running Coach?

Through life you discover different things about yourself. I was lucky enough to be good at school, particularly maths, but other subjects as well.

Due to that I became a tutor in my teenage years for some pocket money (I must have been about 16-years-old at the time).

I tutored in maths, science, German, French, etc.

I learned that I love explaining stuff and that I get an incredible amount of joy out of other people's success.

There was this one girl, who had failed every French test for the whole year. After about six weeks of working with me, she got 93 out of a 100 on a test!

This is 30 years ago. I still remember it to this day. I was so happy.

One of the big motivators in setting up this site, was that I am able to share my love of running with thousands of runners every day.

Nothing is more satisfying than helping others and hearing you make a difference. E.g. look for example at this note I received not too long ago:

Thanks for your tips!

This week I shaved 5 minutes off my 5k and I just got back from a 40 minute continuous run.

I'm laugh crying and there's salty sweat in my eyes!

Thanks for your words - they were phenomenal for my mindset.


I get these types of messages often.

So, if you need help with your running, reach out to me. I am there to help.

I can provide you with a training plan through BRT Silver and BRT Gold or I can provide you with dedicated one-on-one support through BRT Platinum. When you want to get better at running, and you can't get there on your own, keep me in mind!

Find out more about coaching

A Few More Stories from Runners

It is wonderful to see how I have been able to help people get started with this fantastic sport through the information on my website. See below some of the stories that have been shared with me over the years and that will stick with me forever.

Discovering the Joy in Running

Athletics Australia Accreditation Level 1 Recreational Running Coach

Athletics Australia Accreditation Level 2 Recreational Running Coach
I don't mind running in sports like basketball or soccer, but I used to hate just running long distances often because I couldn't last for longer than 5 minutes. However, I've always had an admiration for those who could do marathons and thought how awesome it would be to run longer than... well, 5 minutes.

My roommate and I had also talked about wanting to get into better shape and we've both heard that running is great for that so I started looking for a running program when I stumbled across this site. We both liked how it started out super easy (I mean, a 10 minute walk is a cinch) and slowly built it's way up so we decided to try it out.

The slow build was great. We followed the program to a T (ie. every other day, lots of stretching afterward, etc) and didn't run into any problems. It really built our confidence in being able to run as well. Running our first full 30 minutes was awesome; we were both ecstatic that we had accomplished such a feat.

The program itself is fantastic. However, what really helped me to keep going on was having someone to do it with. It's always great to have an accountability partner because there were so many mornings (especially near the beginning) when I didn't want to get up and go do it. Also, it's easier to know what conversation-speed is when you're actually in a conversation with somebody.

The hardest part of the first few 30 min runs were at the 20 min mark where my muscles felt really tired and wanted to quit. After a few minutes though, I caught second wind and it was fine.

Our next goal is to be able to do a 10k. There's an annual race in our city in Feb so we're going to work towards that.

Thanks Dominique for a great running program! You've helped us, who couldn't run at all, to be able to run and discover joy in it.

Mindy, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Learning to Love it - Chronicles of a Chubby Runner

Stryd Power Accreditation
When I'm running I'll try to distract myself (from the pain) with anything imaginable.

I often picture my three best girlfriends (all excellent distance runners) behind me- pushing me forward to the finish line.

Or I'll consider how terrible I'd feel if I had to tell my amazing husband that I quit before I finished.

Or I'll plead with my body to transform and picture myself with tone and muscular legs! Whatever gets me going, really!

But I'm still learning to love it; running is hard stuff for a chubby girl!

Now let me preface by stating that I am still a total work in progress! It is amazing to me that I'm even writing a story about myself running! I have never excelled at athletics. Since Elementary School I've never been able to run a complete mile without walking! Since I've graduated from college 3 years ago and started my cubicle career I've gained 40lbs and lost passion and energy for life. In the recent past I hired a personal trainer for some "workout accountability" but quickly gave up after a month because I saw no results nor improvement.

I knew I needed to "get moving" and lose weight but felt so intimidated by those intense workout programs. I was a beginner! And I needed help! About 10 weeks ago I stumbled upon Dominique's Beginner's Running Program 3 from a Google search and that's where my journey begins...

When I first looked over the 12 week program, which showed me EXACTLY how to go 0 to 30 minutes of running, each workout really seemed do-able to me. I didn't get overwhelmed or feel like the next day was going to be too much for me to handle. To me, it felt fool proof and very tangible! As I moved forward, I felt such a sense of accomplishment and self confidence as I progressed each week! Though I wasn't running very far or for very long, I could see that I was improving each week just by following the schedule! Yes each day was a challenge, some days more difficult than others, but I got through each day. And I was one step closer to finishing the program!

Now that I'm 2 weeks away from my goal, I signed up for a 5K. I don't know if I'll be able to run the complete 3.1 miles, but I know one thing's for sure: I'll be running at LEAST 30 minutes of that race! :)

This journey has changed me more on the inside than on the outside. For the first time in my life I have (almost) reached an athletic goal!

I know with full certainty now that if I map out a method of baby steps for myself I can continue to improve my running. And that's just what I intend to do! I'll keep you all posted as I continue to learn to love running!

Meggan, Georgia, US


I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!
I am just getting started trying to build my running times, as I haven't been running too often and I am getting into it for personal reasons, and a new job opportunity that requires running.

I have been through hundreds of sites trying to find tips on how to even get started and your beginners running programs are the best I have seen! They are simple to understand and just reading through the whole program, I can see it will work. I have had a great start in the first six weeks and your plan is so easy to follow, which gives me hope and motivation to keep going! I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what this site has done to get me started!

This is the only site that I have found, that understands that not all people are full-time runners and willing to help us beginners get started! And not all of us are wanting to run marathons or just simply lose weight but to have a healthier lifestyle altogether.

Thank You!

B Endrizzi, Amarillo, TX

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