Contact Best Running Tips

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Do you want to use my running coaching service, but you want to double-check something to make sure I can help you?

Are you a running coach looking to connect or collaborate?

Or do you have another reason to connect?

Simply contact me by filling in the fields below...

I will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


Please note: this big website is a passion project. I read every e-mail I receive, but I will not always respond.

Do Contact Me If You...

  • Have feedback of any kind - I love hearing when you like something, but also if you think there is some content on the website that requires updating or if there is something that underwhelmed you.

  • Have had success using my running tips or programs - it's fantastic to hear when somebody has been able to achieve a running goal with my help. It puts a spring in my step.

  • Have a collaboration in mind - If you have quality unique content which you'd like to feature on my website, if you have an exciting project in mind, let me know!

  • Want to ask me a running question and you are willing to provide some relevant details on your current and past running - Want to help me provide you with a quality answer through providing some relevant detail and you are happy for me to feature the advice on my website (only using first names or on an anonymous basis, that's fine)? Absolutely, send it through and I will try to support.

  • Do Not Contact Me If You...

  • Ask impossible questions and one-liners, e.g. "I have never run before. I have a 1.5 mile test in two days and need to pass it. Please help.". I help runners as best as possible, but I can't perform miracles.

  • Want me to buy your Search Engine Optimisation services - I am not interested in buying links or other manipulative practices to look good in the eyes of Google.

  • Are younger than 16 years old - this website is aimed at people 16 years and older.

  • Expect a coaching level of support, but do not want to pay for the service - I am happy to provide some general advice to your running problems, but I am not going to provide you with a step-by-step day-by-day running program. If you value my running knowledge, you can hire me through the running coaching page.

  • Does all of the above sound fair? I hope so.
    Enjoy your running.

    Dom from

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