Running Books - A Selection of the Best Books About Running

This section is devoted to the best running books.
Now, I have read so many running books. Certainly all the books in this section. And many more. I just don't have the time to review all of them in depth, but I still hope that this section serves you well if you are interested in books about training, marathoning, books for beginners or good running books for readers.

The best books about running get discussed in this section. My reviews are quite lengthy, but I want to make sure that you know what you get yourself into when you buy something.

Running Book Reviews

daniels running formula

Daniels Running Formula

This book has been my running bible ever since I started running. One of the best running training books around.


Advanced Mara-

Top book about the marathoning. As the title suggests, this is not "just" about finishing a marathoning, this is about racing it and achieving your best time.

born to run book review

Born to Run Book Review

Born to Run is a fantastic read. It tells the story about the Tarahamuri tribe, a tribe of ultra-runners, barefoot running shoes, the writer's quest to get healthy and much more in one inspiring story.

what i talk about when i talk about running

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

Beautiful book from the acclaimed Japanese novelist Murakami.

running quote

Best Running Books :: Running Training

Daniels' Running Formula (book review) - one of the best books about running training
Jack Daniels
Daniels' Running Formula Book Cover
Daniels explains thoroughly but understandably why we need to do multi-speed running training if we want to maximize our performance.

I am not the only one claiming this is one of the best running training books out there. Read the full book review by clicking on the link or on the book cover.

Pablo's E-Mail

"Hi Dominique,

On a recent trip to the US, and following your advice, I bought the book Daniels' Running Formula.
Excellent stuff!
Thanks so much for recommending it.
I have gone half way down, and it is a real "bible" for all us runners.
Thanks again!"

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Road Racing For Serious Runners
Pete Pfitzinger and Scott Douglas
Road Racing for Serious Runners

Another great book from the hand of Pete Pfitzinger and Scott Douglas, the makers of Advanced Marathoning (see below)

This book covers, race distance by race distance, the important elements of your running program. It is a bit bulkier than Daniels' Running Formula.

I found this a great addition to Daniels' Running Formula.

I think you'd be wise to get Daniels first, read it and study it and then get Road Racing for Serious Runners to see another perspective.

Much of it points in the same direction, but hearing the same story from a different perspective often helps in building up your knowledge.

infographic running books

Best Running Books :: Marathon

Advanced Marathoning (Book Review)
Pete Pfitzinger and Scott Douglas

Advanced Marathoning Book Cover
The book for you if you do not just want to finish a marathon, but if you want to race it.

You will find lots of golden nuggets in this book; it is comprehensive and very useful.

The training plans are 12, 18 or 24 week plans and cover a range of mileages from a peak of 55 miles per week and up.

Best Running Book :: Beginners

No Need for Speed
John Bingham

No Need For Speed Book Cover
"The Penguin" as Bingham is called explains that the greatest joy of running does not come from how fast you go or how thin you become, but from simply having the courage to start running.

In four parts (Inspiration, Perspiration, Dedication and Celebration) he shares a lot of practical and inspirational views with the beginning runner.

My wife got this book. She runs for fitness purposes, but doesn't really feel the drive to run races or be competitive about it.

It is an easy, accessible book. Not for you if you want structured running programs to make you faster. This one you read just out of enjoyment.

I'd say it is a good one if you just want to learn a bit more about running without feeling that you have to compete.

Best Running Book :: Reading

Born to Run (Book Review)
Christopher McDougall
born to run cover
Great, great, inspiring running book. It is about a quest to find out more about the mysterious Tarahamuri tribe in the Mexican Copper Mountains.

This tribe consists of nothing but long-distance runners. What is it in their food, in the way they live that makes them such extraordinary athletes?

Christopher McDougall finds out a whole lot about them and about why we are born to run. Very inspirational. If you are in a bit of a runner's lull, then read this book and I guarantee that you will put on those running shoes again!

Worked for me!

Running With The Buffaloes
Chris Lear
Running With the Buffaloes Book Cover

As a former Ram (Colorade State University Student) I have had to take some time to acknowledge that this book about the cross-country team of the Buffaloes (University of Colorado Students) is a great read... :)

The book covers the highlights and the tragedies in a running season. It covers training aspects, but more than that, it focuses on the social bonds between college runners who dedicate their young lives to running.

Well Done, Buffaloes.

There, I've said it, and it doesn't even hurt.

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (Book Review)
Haruki Murakami
What I talk About When I Talk About Running Book Cover

Haruki Murakami is a great writer. He is seen as one of the more innovative writers of the last two decades.

His work has been translated in many different languages and he has won several awards and prizes for his work.

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running is a great look into the writer's personal life as a runner and observer.

It's not like "Born to Run" or "Running with the Buffaloes" which are all about running.

I'd describe the previous two as great running books written by good writers.

I'd describe Murakami's book as a great novel written by a great writer, which features running in it...

Hmm, hope I have sort of made clear what I am talking about when I am talking about running books... .:)

Hope this section helped you. I have culled it and kept it to the few books that are really worth their while, in my humble opinion. Hope this helped you find the running book you need!

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