Don't Give Up Running

I started running for my high school cross country team last year as a sophomore. Towards the end of the season while doing a workout of hill surges I realized what I wanted out of my running and how running changed my life for the better.

Ever since then I have been chasing my goal to be on varsity but it always seems to be taken away from me due to injury.

The quote that keeps me going is by lengendary distance runner Steve Prefontaine:

"A lot of people run a race to see who is the fastest. I run to see who has the most guts who can punish himself into exhausting pace, and then at the end, punish himself even more."

I may not have been first in my life or the fastest runner. That day while doing hill surges to prepare for Mt Sac I realized what I wanted out of running. Each time you lace up your shoes its a chance to be extraordinary. To push yourself, not to run with your legs but your heart. Everything my heart desires, I'm doing it for God. I thank him everyday for putting running in my life and blessing me with such great coaches. "PAIN IS TEMPORARY" transcend and go above and beyond. This is everything I want and need of my magnificent obsession.

To chase the wind and never be caught. To give people a glimpse of God when I run. When running is effortless I know God is with me to be transcendent. To inspire people not to give up and keep trying. God never gives up on us so don't give up on him, don't give up on yourself.

"...those who hope in the lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles."
Isaiah 40:31

To me that's the beauty of setbacks it can show you who you really are. This Saturday is my first race and I am going to run my heart out. I may not be varsity but I know God has some special plan for me and you just have to have faith and if you believe it will happen.

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Sep 12, 2010
dont give up
by: Anonymous

keep your head up high and work hard everything will fall into place. Trust.Your.Faith

May 22, 2012
thanks for sharing
by: Anonymous

I totally know what you mean! I've been running since 7th grade, but started Cross Country my sophomore year. Let me tell you: NEVER GIVE UP!! Sophomore year I was definitely back of the back, there for the ride and to talk to people, but soon my times were improving like crazy and I really gained my love of running! It is such a confidence boost! It's also so amazing to know who is behind you and helping you through. My Junior year of track went so much better than Sophomore year! I improved by more than 30 seconds in the mile. JUST KEEP AT IT! You never know when it's suddenly going to click. As for inspiration, I definitely agree. I like to hum hymns sometimes to myself on hard runs to keep me going. I also love team prayers before races, they're the best:).
From a fellow runner.
Good luck! Keep running!

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