Which Running Shoes to Buy

by Duke
(Chicago, IL)

I just started running again after a ten year absence. I have an old pair of Nike Shox that aren't cutting it and have researched new shoes. The two that look the best so far are the New Balance 1223's and the Nike Air Max 360 III's.

The New Balance shoe says it has maximum cushion and has overpronating control. I'm over-weight and a bit flat-footed so those sound like great benefits. The Nike shoe doesn't mention pronating control but has a full sole shock absorber which also sounds beneficial to a bigger runner. Any suggestions?

Answer by Dominique:

Thanks for your question about the running shoes.
Both pairs of shoes you are describing sound like reasonable buys.
However, I am not a big expert on which running shoes are best for which person.

I can highly recommend going to a specialized running shoe store where they do some proper tests via treadmill running or via a foot scan.

I always do that and have really never been disappointed. It's the best way to get your running shoes. Ask questions and hear them out. That might help you so much that you'll be able to buy running shoes online next time, but for now, go to the store.

Hope this helps.

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