Vomiting After Running

by Maggie

vomiting after running

I have been running for about a year, and am currently training for a mini-marathon. Once I get to over 7 miles, I have severe gas pains that begin about half an hour after I stop running. It generally lasts for 36 hours.

I have learned to deal with this problem by drinking Pedialyte after a run. However, today I ran for 10 miles, and felt really good. I never felt over-stressed but have only once before run 10 (but many other times 8-9).

When I got home, I drank the Pedialyte like usual. Two hours after I stopped running, I suddenly ran into the bathroom and threw up everything in my stomach.

I feel better now, but I don't know what to think. Could I have pushed too hard if my body felt good about the run and wasn't burnt out? It was not hot outside or anything else that could contribute to this. I don't want to be getting sick all the time from running, and I want to continue.

Do you have any suggestions or ideas of how to prevent/move past this?

Thank you!

Answer by Dominique:

Thank you for reaching out, I totally understand your concerns and confusion. I've moved your question to the running injury section because it's related to discomfort that happens either during or after your runs.

Now, remember that I'm not a doctor. But from my personal experience and my understanding of the human body, I can suggest a few things that might explain your issue and potentially alleviate your discomfort (although I would absolutely encourage you to seek professional advice from a healthcare professional if these problems persist).

I'll break my answer up as follows:

1. Why do some People Have Gastro-Intestinal Discomfort After Running
2. Why could vomiting occur after running?
3. What can be done to alleviate these issues

Why do some people have gastro-intestinal discomfort after running?

vomiting after running
Often gastro-intestinal discomfort happens because of two key factors: diet and exertion level.

The food and drink you consume before or during your run, combined with the strenuous effort of the activity itself, can indeed lead to discomforts such as gas pain or our uninvited friend, nausea.

Why could vomiting occur after running?

If the discomfort turns into vomiting, that's usually an alert that your body has become overly stressed. Even though you felt fine during your run, throwing up afterwards suggests that you might have pushed yourself a bit too hard this time. This could turn into a regular issue if it's not addressed, so it's definitely something to keep an eye on.

What can be done to alleviate these issues?

Here are some factors you may want to consider:

vomiting after running
  • The Timing and Content of Your Pre-Run Meal: To fuel your body correctly, consider what and when you eat before your runs.

  • Hydration - Before, During, and After the Run: Stay hydrated, but be careful not to drink excessively before or during the run as this can contribute to feelings of nausea. Pedialyte is a great choice, by the way, for replenishing lost electrolytes!

  • Your Overall Physical Condition: Ensure you're well-rested and feeling in top form before starting any run, especially the longer ones.

  • Watch Your Pace and Mileage: Your body builds endurance gradually, so increasing distance or pace too quickly can lead to problems. Going slow and steady wins the endurance race!

  • In your case, since you've experienced discomfort after running more than 7 miles, it might be beneficial to revisit your training schedule. It might just be a case of needing to build up to the longer distances more gently, run at a slower pace or take some short walking breaks in between.

    vomiting after running
    Journaling could be another helpful approach. Jot down what you eat/drink and your physical state before each run. This way, you can backtrack and find any patterns or common denominators that could be causing the discomfort.

    Again, if these issues persist, seeing a doctor is essential. They might be able to provide additional insight and recommendations tailored to your specific situation.

    I hope I've helped give you some starting points! Remember, no one knows your body better than you. Listen to what it's telling you, and don't be afraid to slow down or make changes if need be.

    Best of luck on your running journey!
    Kind regards,

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