Your Favourite Running Quotes 5

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YOUR favourite running quotes

This is the place where YOU write and I sit back and relax!
Please take a few moments to see the favourite running quotes from some of your fellow site visitors.
And then fill in the running quote submission form with your own favourite running quote!


Running Quote #81

Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.
Vince Lombardi
Submitted by: Emily, Australia

Running Quote #82

Since your behind..Hows mine?
My Teammate
Submitted by: Paige, United States

Running Quote #83

It doesn't matter if you run the 5 k or the 10k..just run.
Lyle Konkol
Submitted by: Lyle, Montana, USA

Running Quote #84

I believe that God made me for a purpose. But He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure.
Eric Liddel
Submitted by: Bethany, Colorado, USA

Running Quote #85

The only good race is a suicide pace, and today looks like a good day to die.
Submitted by: Julie, United States

Running Quote #86

Everything I know about life, I learned it from running. The peaks... the valleys... the disappointment... the overwhelming joy... relationships... the unknown smiles and cheers... recovery from the worst... and most important... the never quit attitude in any condition...!!! My parents gave birth to a baby... their love made me boy... and running made me a man! Proud to be associated with it :)
Gaurav Madan
Submitted by: Gaurav Madan, Delhi, India

Running Quote #87

Three months ago, this seemed like a good idea!
On the back of a t-shirt during a marathon
Submitted by: Greg, ON, Canada

Running Quote #88

"Is that finished?" I asked the lady standing at finish line, while crossing her. She nodded with a grin and said "YES! Congratulations!" I broke into tears with a punch in the air. "I did it! I finished my life's first Marathon" I was a complete new human now!
Gaurav Madan (me) after finishing Gurgaon Marathon 2009
Submitted by: Gaurav Madan, Delhi, India

Running Quote #89

How does the view look back there?
Submitted by: Dan, IL, USA

Running Quote #90

A runner greatest opponent is himself!
A spin off a different quote
Submitted by: Dan, IL, USA

Running Quote #91

When you have a negative mindset, then you'll have a negative ending to the race.
Audrey Lovejoy
Submitted by: Audrey, ohio, USA

Running Quote #92

Being positive may not get you 1st on paper, but it will in the heart.
Audrey Lovejoy
Submitted by: Audrey, ohio, USA

Running Quote #93

Don't let the pain handle you, let your mind handle the pain.
Ramiro Garcia
Submitted by: Ramiro Garcia, Texas, USA

Running Quote #94

Lots of people make excuses after a race but a champion never has to.
Submitted by: NY, USA

Running Quote #95

Mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
Chau Chau
Submitted by: Selangor, Malaysia

Running Quote #96

Truth is, you can always run faster. Sometimes the truth hurts.
Submitted by: Allison, MD, USA

Running Quote #97

There will be a day when you can no longer do this. Today is not that day.
Laura Kloepper
Submitted by: Chris, Alaska, USA

Running Quote #98

You rarely regret the miles on your shoes. But you will always regret the race you didn't run.
Submitted by: Rachel, MD, USA

Running Quote #99

That boy is a running fool.
Forrest Gump
Submitted by: Sue'Ellen, Virginia, USA

Running Quote #100

We are all going to the same place, why run fast to get there?
Submitted by: Ben, Massachussetts, USA

Running Quote #101

Runners - $139.99 + GST.

Layers of clothing - $142.

Watch - $54.99.

Race registration cost - $35.

Competence to win - priceless .

Submitted by: Melanie, BC, Canada

Thank you to these readers of !

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