Need to Run 3.2km in 15 Mins

by Tony

need to run 3.2k in 15 min

I started running about 4 months back training for 3.2km runs and within 2 months I started running 3.2km in 15 mins (I used to run every morning).

I recently fell sick for 2 months (typhoid) and now I am finding it difficult to run 3.2km.

I went out yesterday to try but I could only run 2km in 10.20mins.

Please I really need your advise on how to increase my endurance and speed in 2 weeks.

I really need to return to the fitness I had before the illness. I will await your urgent response.

Answer by Dominique:

Hi Tony,
Thanks for your question. Sorry to hear about your illness. It is disappointing to build your fitness and then have a setback. Whether it is injury, sickness, a heavy workload getting in the way of your training. Setbacks suck.

Now, regaining fitness does take some time. It is hard to rush these things. Generally, when people have had time off running, it may take about the same time to get back to a comparable level of fitness. I understand you don't have time. I am assuming you need to pass some type of physical fitness test for your job.

Two weeks is very little time for anything to happen, but stranger things have happened and you do have some reasonable speed in the legs with your 2k in 10:20.

The best things to do I think are:

1. Focus on Distance as well as Speed.
2. Exercise Regularly, but Keep Recovery in Mind.

See the detail below:

Focus on Distance as well as Speed

need to run 3.2k in 15 min
You will want to have some running sessions that are slower and longer. Well longer than the 3.2 km / 2 miles. The best way to build endurance is to do lots of slow, easy running.

If you can't cover the 3.2km at once, take a walking break, then run some more.

In addition to the longer, easier, slower stuff, I would also look at doing a few short intervals in runs, e.g. run 1 minute fast, 3 minutes easy and repeat that 3-5 times.

High intensity training can sometimes provide that break through that you are looking for.

This is not what I'd recommend to somebody who has a reasonable period to prepare. Normally, you'd work on building that base for a longer period. Then layer on some speed. However, we only have two weeks.

So, some faster workouts may be needed. However, with this type of "crash and burn" approach you need to be mindful of injuries. You can push yourself all you want, but don't push so hard you get yourself injured.

For more about easy running, check out this page about base running.

For more about running for fitness vs running for health, check out my Running for Fitness page. This talks about the benefits of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) vs the benefits of a more long-term approach.

Exercise Regularly, but Keep Recovery in Mind

need to run 3.2k in 15 min
The ideal thing to do is to get back into your normal exercise schedule. When you are preparing for a race, I imagine that would entail exercising 5-7 days a week. E.g. running four times a week, a couple of strength training sessions and maybe some cross-training.

Clearly, as you may still be recovering from this illness, you will need to keep recovery in mind. Focus on sleep and nutrition to do the best for your body.

And make sure you get to the starting line well rested. The last 2-3 days before the race, ramp down the training. You want to make sure you don't run the race with heavy legs.

In summary, you have a challenge on your hands! I don't have the magic potion to rebuild your fitness quickly. But I hope you can make a bounce back in time and surprise yourself on the day.

Stranger things have happened. I have had plenty of races in which I did not feel like I was fully ready and the circumstances of the day, the adrenaline, the competition pulled me through. Wishing you all the best over the next two weeks and in your race.

Good luck.
Kind regards,

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